Friday, January 6, 2023

Back End Web Development: Examples, Best Practices and Advice

  Bert K.       Friday, January 6, 2023
Back End Web Development, what is back end development


Back end development is an essential part of Web development. It involves creating applications that run on the server, such as databases and APIs. This article will cover some of the best practices for back end web development to help you get started in this exciting field!


APIs are a way to communicate between different systems. They can be used to communicate with third-party services, or even within your own company. APIs allow you to create a one-to-one relationship between your application and the API. This allows you to do something like calling another service from inside your app (like Stripe), or even make calls from outside of it (like Facebook).

There are two ways that an API can be created: Open Source and Private. Open source APIs are publicly available online and anyone can use them without having any kind of account set up with an organization that owns the project itself.


The first thing to know about databases is that there are two main types: relational and non-relational. A relational database has attributes like name, address and age; a non-relational database does not.

Relational databases are governed by SQL (Structured Query Language), which means they're more complex than a NoSQL database but less so than MongoDB or Elasticsearch. Some examples of popular relational databases include MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc. These systems can be accessed via web applications such as PHPMyAdmin or the command line interface PostgresQL Client., which you will find useful when working with these technologies if you choose them as your backend solution for your website development project!


JavaScript is a programming language that is used to create interactive effects and add functionality to web pages. The JavaScript code is executed using the Document Object Model (DOM) API, which allows you to access information from the DOM tree in your browser.

JavaScript can be used for many different things, including:

● Dynamically creating new elements on a webpage

● Animating an element's appearance or behavior


Ruby is an interpreted language that can be used to write programs on the server side. Ruby is a general-purpose programming language and has been used for both web development as well as desktop applications. It's easy to learn and has many features, including dynamic typing which allows you to use simple variable names, lambda functions, closures, modules and much more.


VS Code is a free, open source code editor that runs on Windows, macOS and Linux. It's characterized by its ease of use and extensibility in the form of plugins that extend its functionality in many different ways.

VS Code was created by Microsoft to make it easy for developers to develop software without having to learn how to program in their preferred language. As such, it features autocomplete functionality based off your project's file structure (which includes auto-importing from GitHub), an auto formatting option for HTML/CSS/JavaScript files as well as a built-in terminal emulator for debugging purposes—all within the same application!


There are various types of testing: unit, integration and functional.

Unit tests test individual parts of your codebase. They're usually quick and easy to write, but they can be time-consuming to run (especially for large projects). They're useful for testing small functions or classes that you need to change often.

Integration tests ensure all the pieces work together as expected without introducing any bugs into the process - this is especially important when working with databases or other third-party services like Google Maps API integration into your app's UI layer! If something goes wrong during development, it will show up in these sorts of tests which gives you more insight into where there may be problems before they become serious issues later on down the road when users start experiencing problems with their apps.


There are many different ways to build an app, and we hope this article has shown you some of the best ways to do so. If you want to learn more about web development in general, check out our guide on how to become a web developer.



Thanks for reading Back End Web Development: Examples, Best Practices and Advice

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