Friday, January 6, 2023

Front End Web Development - Explained

  Bert K.       Friday, January 6, 2023


The term "front end" has been used to describe a lot of different things over the years. From desktop applications to websites, it's often used interchangeably with web development even though they're not necessarily related. In this article, we'll explore what exactly "front end development" means.

What does "front end web development" mean?

Front end web development is the creation of the front end of a website. The front end is what users interact with, so it's important to understand how they work and what they can do.

Front-end developers create websites by using HTML, JavaScript and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), which are both programming languages that help you create visual elements like buttons and images on your site. These languages allow you to tell browsers how to display content online; for example: if you have an article on your site about coffee, then this would be written in HTML and stored within the code behind each article on your site. Then when someone visits that page they'll see exactly what you want them too - whether it's an image or link.

What are the core technologies used in front end web development?

HTML, CSS and JavaScript are the core technologies used in front end web development. They are responsible for laying out your webpage and making it look pretty.

  • HTML

The first set of core technologies is HTML (HyperText Markup Language). It is one of the most important parts of your web page. It defines the structure of the page and how it should be displayed on the browser window. HTML can be viewed as an encyclopedia where you can find all the data you will ever need in your website.

  • CSS

The second set of core technologies is CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). CSS allows you to control the look and feel of your website using rules and properties. These rules are applied to specific elements on a webpage and give them a unique look and feel. Almost everything in HTML is controlled by CSS stylesheets which makes it easy for developers to create sophisticated websites without having to write code every single time they want something new done.

  • JavaScript

JavaScript is a programming language that helps you create interactive elements on your site like drop down menus or pop-up windows. It also allows you to add interactivity with other pages by adding these elements between them (such as AJAX requests). In addition to being used as part of an application's front end development process, JavaScript can be embedded within HTML documents such as WordPress themes and Drupal modules.


We hope that this article has given you a better understanding of what front end web development is, how it works and why you should consider it for your next project. We also want to make sure that our readers understand that there are many other resources out there, but this one was created specifically for those who want to learn more about their specific area of expertise.


Thanks for reading Front End Web Development - Explained

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