Friday, December 9, 2022

Basic Programming Questions and Answers

  Bert K.       Friday, December 9, 2022
basic programming questions and answers, programming questions and answers, coding questions, coding questions pdf

Study I

The world of programming is full of questions that can be answered with a simple answer. But sometimes, the answer isn't so clear-cut. In this article, I present to you some basic questions and answers that will help you get started with programming.

1. What is the difference between JDK and JVM?

The JDK (Java Development Kit) is a collection of tools and utilities that are used in Java development. JVM is a virtual machine that runs the Java code.

JDK stands for Java Development Kit, while JVM stands for Java Virtual Machine.

2. What is the difference between JVM and JRE?

The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is a program that performs the instructions of your program. It's basically like an operating system for Java programs, and it runs them in a virtual machine environment. The JRE is just like the operating system for all applications on your computer, including Word or Excel or Firefox.

The JVM can run most commonly used languages such as C++, Ruby and Python through interpreters written in these languages (known as compilers).

3. What is the base class of all classes?

The base class of all classes is java.lang.Object. All classes are subclasses of this class, and all objects in Java are instances of this class.

4. Give differences between these two classes java.util.Date and java.sql.Date ?

Two classes java.util.Date and java.sql.Date are used for date and time manipulation in JDBC.

java.util.Date is used for date and time manipulation, whereas java.sql.Date is used for date and time manipulation in the JDBC interface itself (i).

5. What are wrapper classes?

Wrapper classes are used to convert primitive data types to object types, and vice versa. For example, if you have an int value in C++ code that you want to store as a string in Python code (or vice versa), wrap your int with a class called IntWrapper. In Python:


IntWrapper = object()

IntWrapper(int) = “int”

6. What are the types of statements in JDBC?

The following are the types of statements in JDBC:

execute - executes SQL statement, returning a result set.

update - updates a row in the result set with one or more columns.

delete - deletes rows from the result set based on criteria specified by you.             You can also delete multiple rows at once by specifying an INSERT command followed by ROLLBACK and then any other commands that you want to use to remove those rows (i.e., DELETE).             If you don't specify any WHERE clause parameters, all rows will be deleted unless they match your WHERE clause criteria as follows: IF NOT EXISTS THEN SELECT * FROM Table; ELSE UPDATE Table SET MyField = Value WHERE MyCondition  someOtherValue ; END IF ; . . . . . .


7. What is a stored procedure?

A stored procedure is a collection of SQL statements that has been saved in the database. It's a way of encapsulating a series of SQL statements and making them available to all applications that have access to it via DDL, DML and DDL commands. A stored procedure can be called from any application that has access to the database.

8. What are the common SQL Function used in JDBC?

The most popular functions are:

SUM (Addition)

AVG (Average)

MIN(Minimum Value)

9. Difference between PreparedStatement and CallableStatement ?

PreparedStatement and CallableStatement are both used to execute SQL statements. But they differ in the following ways:

PreparedStatements are not executed dynamically like callableStatements, but only once at the beginning of their execution. After that, you can reuse them without having to go through a new parse and bind operations again. This means that you can use preparedStatements for static queries (e.g., SELECT * FROM Table), where no dynamic processing is involved and there is no need for any complex logic within the statement itself.

CallableStatements allow you to create custom subqueries using parameterized SQL functions and variables from your database as parameters/values; this allows you to build more complex queries by combining smaller pieces into larger ones or simply by changing individual parts of a query's text while keeping all other parts intact (for example: "SELECT * FROM table WHERE col1 = ${col1} AND col2 > 20").

10. Why we use both Prepared Statement and Callable statement together ? what's the specific reason ?

Prepared Statement is used for insert, update and delete statements. Callable statement is used for callable statements.

When you write a prepared statement, it returns a result set if the action was successful. If it fails then an exception will be thrown and that exception can be caught by your code if you want to handle it appropriately (you can do this using try..catch). However when you use callableStatement , it doesn't return anything because there's not any operation happening on this statement hence no exception will be thrown even if something goes wrong during execution of your code (in which case you would have access to all parameters passed into this function).

11. What is ResultSetMetaData in jdbc ? When it is used ? How to use it ? how to get it ?

ResultSetMetaData is a class that represents information about a result set. It can be used to get information about the columns in the result set, such as their names, types and display sizes.

You have use this class when you want to retrieve or change some properties of your query's resultset object.


In conclusion, the list of questions here is definitely not exhaustive. But I hope you will find it helpful in your journey to become a professional programmer. If you have any other questions on this topic please let me know in the comments below.


Thanks for reading Basic Programming Questions and Answers

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