Saturday, December 10, 2022

What is XML: Beginners Guide

  Bert K.       Saturday, December 10, 2022
xml, xml language, what is xml language used for, benefits of xml language

XML or eXtensible Markup Language, is a markup language used for storing and exchanging information. It has been developed as an open standard that defines the syntax of documents in an unambiguous way. It also allows you to add your tags to the standard ones. In this article, we will explain what XML is and how it works with other languages

XML File Structure

XML files are structured in the same way as HTML files. They contain elements and attributes, which can be nested to any level. An XML document may contain one or more root elements (or root tags), then other tags that contain the information you want to describe your data.

XML Syntax rules

XML syntax rules are similar to HTML syntax rules, but there are some differences. In XML, you must use proper capitalization and punctuation marks when writing your document.


XML elements

XML elements are the building blocks of an XML document. They can be defined by start tags, end tags and content.

XML Comments

XML comments are a way of adding documentation to your XML document. They can be added anywhere in the document and don't have to appear at the beginning or end, but they are always ignored by XML processors. They aren't part of the XML document itself; they won't be visible when you open up an editor for editing your file in Notepad++ or any other text editor that supports nested elements.

XML Attribute

XML attributes are used to add extra information to an element. They can be used to describe the element, and they are not case-sensitive.


XML attributes follow the style of a tag's name: if you are looking at tags in your source code, you will see that they have an attribute called src="" where "http://www." is replaced by whatever domain your site uses.


A single attribute will always go after any other elements within its parent tag; if you have multiple nested tags or elements within one parent tag, then each child will also have its own set of attributes added on top of that original one set for all its siblings down through their parents' children until reaching root level where no more attributes exist anymore -- though there might still be some leftover ones from previous levels!

XML Namespace

You can use the xmlns attribute to define a unique name for an element that can be used in the XML file. The namespace is introduced using this attribute, which must be placed at the beginning of an element's declaration.

The XML namespace specification defines how an XML document should look when it is processed by another application, e.g., a browser or editor.


It is used to specify what elements and attributes are allowed within a particular document, as well as whether they may appear in other documents i.e., derived documents. The namespace system defines this relationship between namespaces and their corresponding elements; it also defines rules for choosing one set over another when two different namespaces contain overlapping entries or definitions.

The root element is always declared first: its content defines all following declarations for its descendants' type attributes and contents respectively; if there are no children then this declaration becomes empty too!

XML CDATA section

The CDATA section is used to escape characters that might otherwise be misinterpreted as markup. For example, if you want to represent a URL in XML with characters such as. and /, then use CDATA sections:


Why use XML?

XML is used for data storage and transfer, data exchange and document formats. XML is also used to build web services that can be accessed by other applications through HTTP requests.

Advantages of XML

1. Extensibility

2. Validity

3. Readability

4. Flexibility



XML is a markup language for document structure and semantic annotations. XML provides its users better control over their documents, compared to the traditional way of just using HTML. Using XML, the user can describe not only what the document looks like structurally in terms of headings, paragraphs etc., but also they can add related information that allows easy navigation and indexing out of such structured data.



Thanks for reading What is XML: Beginners Guide

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