Monday, December 12, 2022

The Ultimate Guide to HTML

  Bert K.       Monday, December 12, 2022
html, what is html language, how to learn html, introduction to html

html guide

What is HTML?

HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. HTML is a markup language that describes the structure of a document and its content. HTML is used to create web pages, which are displayed in a web browser.

HTML is not code that makes websites work; it's what you see on a website. If you are writing an article about how to use your favorite social media platform, you may use HTML tags like (headings) to label the beginning and end of each section of text in your article.

Why Learn HTML?

● Build websites. HTML is a markup language used to create web pages, which are viewed by people using a browser (like Chrome). Without HTML, you wouldn't be able to make your website!

● HTML is the foundation for all other web languages like CSS and JavaScript. This means that learning just one component of these languages will give you an understanding of how they work together as well as some experience working with them on real projects.

● It is easy. Learning HTML takes less time than learning any other programming language out there because it has fewer concepts than those others (like PHP). Plus there aren't any crazy syntax rules that need memorizing before starting—just basic copy-and-paste commands. If this sounds good then let's get started on our journey through this awesome guide...

Structure of a web page

The first step to creating a web page is to write the code that will make up your page. You can do this in two ways:

● Using HTML tags, which are small pieces of code that contain information about how a web page should look and behave.

● Writing plain text, which consists of sentences like "Hello world", but with no formatting or styling.

HTML Doctype

The doctype is the first line of code in a web page, and it defines the version of HTML that will be used. It must be placed at the top of your document, just below the opening 


The doctype can be one of two values: "XHTML 1.0 Transitional" or "HTML 4." If you don't specify either value, then it defaults to XHTML 1.0 Transitional (this is also known as "transitional").

You should always use an explicit doctype when writing HTML5 documents; otherwise, browsers may misinterpret them as being written in older versions of HTML and render them incorrectly or not at all!

Basic Tags

HTML is a markup language used for structuring and presenting information on Web pages. The tag is a punctuation character that tells the browser what content to display. HTML tags are enclosed in angle brackets (<>), and each tag must be properly closed.


HTML defines many different types of tags, including those that create paragraphs, lists, links, and other structures. Each tag has a corresponding opening and closing angle bracket pair ( </>).

<head> </head>


Heading - A heading is a descriptive title for your page and appears at the top of each page in a browser window. A heading can also be referred to as a heading level, title level, or h1-h6 element. Headings are typically displayed in bold text underlined in some browsers (but not others).


<title> </title>


Title - The title element specifies the name of your site or web application; it appears at the top center in a browser window when it's printed out or viewed onscreen. Titles are typically displayed as bold text with no underlining or italics (but you can change this by adding CSS styling).


Headings are used to defining the heading of a document. There are six levels of headings, with h1 being the largest and h6 being the smallest. In general, you should use headers for navigation and content organization:


< h1 > Heading 1 Heading tag with a large amount of text that is emphasized or has special meaning.


< h2 > Heading 2 Second level heading tag with less emphasis or special meaning.


< h3 > Heading 3 Third-level heading tag with still less emphasis or special meaning.


< h4 > Heading 4 Fourth level heading tag with still less emphasis or special meaning.


< h5 > Heading 5 Fifth level heading tag that is used in lists to improve readability when more than one item is being listed together in the same paragraph. It is also used for short-form headings such as main points in a list or key points in an article which are typically shorter than those found at higher levels of headings on their lines. In other words, this is the lowest level at which you can use this type of heading within your document.


Adding images in HTML is a very simple process. You just need to use the <img> tag and give it an ID attribute, so that you can refer to it later. For example, if you want to add an image of a cat, you would write:


<img id="cat" src="images/cat.gif">


Now, if someone were to visit your page and click on the image, they would be taken to your server where they could download the image.

Text Formatting

You can format text in different ways to make it stand out.

● Bold: B, boldface type

● Italicized text: I, italic type (with a wider stroke than normal)

● Underlined words: U (the underline goes inside your word).


Link text should be clear and descriptive. The link text is what a user will see when they mouse over your link, so it must be easy to understand. For example, if you're linking to an article about traffic signs and you say "signs," people won't click on the link unless they have some context for what you are talking about.

To create a link, use the following syntax:


<a href="">Google</a>


The "href" attribute is required for every link element. It specifies the location of the target page or document. The value of this attribute should be a valid URL (i.e., not a relative path). This can be either an absolute URL or one that uses a protocol when applicable.


A table is a type of HTML element that defines the layout of a document. It consists of a series of rows and columns, each with its own set of cells, which are separated by horizontal lines called gutters. The number of rows and columns can be specified by setting table attributes on the element.


To create a table, use the <table> tag as follows;





<td>Row 1</td>






<td>Row 2</td>






Lists are used to organize information hierarchically. They can be ordered or unordered, with the latter being called bulleted lists and the former numbered ones.

Unordered lists are great for showing off your favorite things quickly and easily, while ordered ones make it easier for users to find what they are looking for by providing context around each item on the page.

Example of an unordered list:











Forms are used to collect information from users, and they can be used in many different ways. One of the most common uses for forms is to gather data for surveys or contact forms. For example, you could use a form with text boxes, checkboxes and dropdown menus to gather customers' opinions about your company's products or services. Example

<form action="" method="post"> <input type="text" name="name1" value="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet1"> <input type="text" name="age1

HTML Attributes

HTML Attribute is a tag that is used to define a HTML Element. HTML Attributes are attributes that can be added to a tag, such as <p> or <img>.

The most common HTML attributes are:


class - defines the style for an element in terms of what CSS classes it belongs to. The class attribute is used to group related elements of the same type (e.g., images).


id - defines an element's unique identifier within a document


title - sets the title of an element


lang - sets the language of an element


dir - specifies the directionality of text displayed inside an element (ltr or rtl)


style - sets CSS styles for an element


This guide to HTML for beginners provides all the basics you need to begin coding in HTML.

If you are looking for a quick guide on how to get started with HTML, look no further than The HTML Ultimate Guide.

Have a look: Advantages and Disadvantages of HTML


Thanks for reading The Ultimate Guide to HTML

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